The Coaches Note Planner is used for planning, strategizing, note taking, or to create formations for set pieces. Whether you're looking for the Coaches Note Planner as a replacement for one of our other coaching products or as your main source of planning, it is ideal for many reasons. Utilize it for in the moment coaching, to plan out your training sessions, discuss formations, set plays, corner kicks, thrown ins and much more. The Coaches Note Planner offers three separated sections to help coaches keep track of notes or to plan out training sessions. The top section contains a table with a column for date, time, activity and equipment. This section is where coaches keep their ideas fresh and plan for the following training session. The middle section can be utilized for notes. Coaches can write in-depth notes such as player improvement, in game strategy, or simple side notes. The third section includes two small full fields for tactical awareness. This is where coaches teach players the game plan for success before, during, or even after the game. It provides coaches with everything they need for pre-match and in-game tactical analysis. The Coaches Note Planner is the perfect tool to get your players to the next level, and reach their full potential.
- 20 Pages
- Use for Planning
- Use for Strategizing
- Use for Note Taking
- Use for Set Pieces
- Use for Formations
- Keep Track of Notes
- Three Different Sections
- In-Game Planning
- In-depth Tactical Analysis
- Improve Your Tactics
- Strategizing
- Note Taking
- Formations
- Keep Track of Notes
- Replacement for Coaches Folder
- Side Notes
- Tactical Awareness
- Length X Width - 26cm x 21cm (10.5in x 8.25in)
- Includes 20 Pages Planner
- Includes Two Small Full Fields for Tactical Awareness
- Includes Note Section
- Includes Section for Planing Training Session